L.O.V.E the four letter word of both Pain and Joy
It goes without saying that at some point in our lives we will experience this feeling, a warm wonderful fulfilling feeling. It's the feeling of love. Yet, like gravity, it can be a heartless bitch.
Finding and feeling love for someone or something is a great experience, a way to really not only feel good about yourself, but to others as well. Think about it, you started feeling weird talking to someone youve known for a while or you're more comfortable than you were say a month or two years ago. You start to see them in a different light, yet you can't explain it. That my dear friends is love (or gas, but hey who knows if an alien race reads blogs).
Love is a wonderful feeling to have, it opens a world of emotions to you, opens your mind to things you never thought about before, and even makes things seem less scary. Yet, not everything with love is as grand as the flyers make it out to be. It's a double edged sword at times, more often then a shield.
While you might feel like you're suddenly superman, or even invincible, you aren't. Heck, you're more vulnerable than you were before. Now you're asking why right? Why would I be? Well, sadly it's cause of one thing, love makes us blind.
Ask yourself this, how did you feel beforehand, were you happy, miserable, or just going through the motions? If you were happy before, and you still feel happy, then that's a good thing, you're ok. If you were miserable, but have now found yourself happy, like the problems and issues aren't really a thing anymore, that's a warning sign, but you could still be ok. Just going through the motions though, yeah as Piccolo said in DBZA, crimson.
If you ever find yourself in love, you need to ask yourself these questions.
Do I see myself with them?
Are my feelings real?
Is this just a passing thing?
The problem is, there's no guide for any of these questions. The questions you must answer yourself. However it often gets worse, say the someone you love is a friend, going back to the three questions (yes there are more than three, but these are the basis of anything) you also have to wonder how would, could, and can this effect the friendship? Cause chances are, it won't end well.
Sure, it would be nice if everything was like a sitcom, music song, book, or really just anything that can make the world seem better, but it's not. While some do part as friends, there's a good chance (about 85-90) that if you are falling for a friend, it will end the friendship.
Now take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt, there is no certain method to be sure, and no YouTube video or selfhelp book saying they can teach you how to get the one you want works. It's a matter of trial and error.
So you're now thinking, then why fall in love, I'll just not. While this is an answer, remember that's like poisoning yourself with loneliness. Worse if you were in love, and figure I don't want to hurt again. Then closing yourself off is like a festering wound, you'll never fully heal.
Is love worth it? Well yes and no. Yes from the stand point of you want to feel something for someone, love exists in many ways. It's howwe see it that matters. Yet, also no, mostly from the aspect of the risk outweighing the benefits. Do you want your friend for life, or just to get to know that person? Or are you willing to risk it for what's behind door number 2?
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